In an attempt to bring my blogging up a notch, I've set a personal goal of posting twice daily (instead of once) for the entire month of April. Mostly this is because I have inspiration and content brimming over from my files and purging them in the form of tidy little posts seems like the best way to manage my overflow.
I'm a little nervous about being able to stick to this, but let's give it a try! If you have a blog you know how time consuming they are to maintain. There's scouring the internet for inspiration, making note of all your image sources, formatting the photos to the right size, keeping up with emails, comments, press releases and other blogs, correspondence with PR personnel and sponsors, and of course actually writing your posts.
I blog in the mornings before going to work and am usually rushing to get a post up as I need to make my way out the door. So, this should be an interesting practice in time management!
Be sure to check back twice daily this month (starting today) to catch my morning and afternoon posts. As always, thank you for your friendship and support... after all, you guys are why I love blogging so much! xoxo
*image via floto + warner studio
That's a major endeavor. But you can do it! Even blogging once a day is amazing!
best of luck--you can totally do it! from one blogger to another, i completely understand how much effort goes into posting...but this is a bit of inspiration for me too :)
Good luck! You'll be able to not only do it, but make it look fabulously easy in the process.
Good luck...but I am sure you will pull this off with style!
A great challenge to bloggers everywhere, to focus on elevating our posts and the discipline required to follow through. I'll be encouraging you on!
You will no doubt succeed! I'm continually amazed at the power of passion. If you love something, you will achieve the desired goal, if not surpass it. Best of luck. =)
Crystal, You are sooo ambitious, but good for you to set such a goal. I will be cheering you on!! Kathysue
Good luck! It's a lofty goal but I'm sure you can pull it off :)
Hope u had a wonderful weekend!
Good luck Crystal! You really have taken on a mammoth task in your stride ... but I'm sure you can do it!
Go for it mate! I just started my blog 2 weeks a ago, and I know too well how time consuming it is. I'll be checking twice daily from now on.
good luck, major challenge, but it will be so nice to read you twice a day!
when you're brimming- have fun! Can't wait!
Totally looking forward to twice daily posts but I'll certainly take whatever I can get! No pressure! Marija
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