Here's a secret: I've been in a bit of a blogging slump lately and haven't known what to do about it. I disappeared for most of this week unannounced and felt really guilty about it, but then I remembered that guilt isn't a productive emotion and that I shouldn't be so hard on myself. And then, after battling conflicting feelings of obligation vs. being true to myself, a ray of clarity came to me.

Here's the thing, I have to talk about interiors all day long for work. On conference calls, with colleagues and contributors, in emails, at conferences, and to advertisers. And I love it, I truly do. In fact, not a day goes by that I don't feel overcome by gratitude in my heart for the gift of Rue in my life, which is nothing short of a dream job. But because I am surrounded by design for work, I find myself wanting to experience, create, and observe interiors privately and personally in the hours outside of those duties. To get that back for myself, you know?

And while my love for design is a huge part of my life and how I experience the world, I'm ready to share some of the other parts of me that make my world go round. Sharing those intimate thoughts a few weeks back on my birthday was a very special and eye opening experience for me. Really, you have no idea what your comments meant to me. I've read and re-read each and every one of them and have wished I could give hugs to all of you.

You helped me realize that that's the type of writing that I love. And have given me the courage to share more of it. What you saw in that post was a glimpse of the real me: someone who is introspective, feels deeply, and is sees beauty all around, even in the pain.

So I'm taking Sextus the Pythagorean's advice that "the wise man is always similar to himself," and have decide to be a little more true to myself with this space. Anything less would be stifling of the spirit and unfair to you. I think I sometimes forget that I have control over making this space all my own and fall victim to writing about what I think I'm supposed to blog about. I've also decided to lift from myself that burden of obligation to post every day and remove any guilt when I'm unable to do so.

I'm not really sure where this will take me, but what you can expect from me is posts that come from the heart about the things that truly inspire me when they inspire me (maybe daily, maybe every other day, maybe weekly...). That might mean me sharing a space that makes my heart skip a beat, a poem that takes my breath away, or musing on my latest self-discovery. Am I afraid that I may lose some readers with this new direction? Of course! ...But I've never been one to let fear dictate my decisions :)

Have a truly wonderful weekend, my friends. Thank you for still being here with me.
Good for you for letting this blog become something you love and look forward to. I am excited to see it evolve!
The great thing about blogging is you have complete control over content! I look forward to seeing how your blog evolves-you are an amazing writer!
I can't wait to see where this revelation will take you and your blog. I'm very excited to find out. =)
Can't tell you how much I can relate to your post. Whatever posts come next will be truly inspiring for us all and I can't wait to keep on reading daily, weekly, or monthly!
Lindsay xx
I am happy to learn that you have made decisions to help you enjoy this short life we have.
Love your blog, and will always have you on my blog roll so that i will know when you post.
Hav ea great weekend, Crystal.
I actually love to see the personal side of things -- it what differentiates blogs from other design publications.
I can promise you won't lose this reader!
Well I am one reader that you will not lose. As a matter of fact, I'm quite excited to see where this goes. It's the cookie-cutter, stale, same ol'-same ol' blogs that get deleted from my list. To thine own self be true, darlin.
good for you! i look forward to seeing more of "you" on here :)
I think this is a great move, and bravo to you for having such a great mindset about how unproductive guilt is. I sometimes get worried about losing readers if I post something *I* like but they might not -- but I wind up posting it anyway, and never have regrets about it. Looking forward to seeing what you post!
Crystal, you and your stories are just as beautiful as your work. Thanks for sharing your thoughts for all of us to enjoy.
Oh Crystal, I'm so excited for this next season of your blog! You've gotta follow your heart's direction w/ what it wants to put out in the world...and that's where the true inspiration is going to come from! Can't wait to follow on your journey! xoxo
I think this is a brave and wonderful new direction, and you won't lose me! I enjoy introspection and deep thought (especially since I also stare at and talk about interiors all day...my blog is a break from that for me). I look forward to your next chapter!
I'll stay right here, can't wait to read what you have to say!
I totally understand you and that feeling of obligation to post, it happens to me all the time, but I've relised that I prefer posting things I like when I can instead of posting anything everyday. Have a great weekend. Besos!
your writing is beautiful and your life/journey is inspiring. xo
loved you candid post today..totally understand your earlier dilemma and current clarity as well..all the very best for this new approach in your blogging life..i'm sure your journey would be worthwhile..have a beautiful weekend, crystal! xx meenal
good for you!! a melody wouldn't be very interesting if it was just one note, now would it?
Love your new self-moderated approach! While a beautiful interior can take our breath away, it is how we interact with life outside the comfort of our homes that can really nourish our souls. Looking forward to hearing more!
So you mean you are actually human? LOL I totally get you girl, I think the best work we do is when were not so pressed and searching. Thanks for the inspiration I have been feeling the tug of regret myself and your precious words were a welcome reminder to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts.
I am excited about this new direction you are taking. I have loved following your blog for almost a year now and i had always hoped we could get to know the real you a little better. I applaud you for your last personal post and it showed who the woman is behind the design. Blessings on this new venture and I'm all for it!
I love this. It's fresh, it's healthy, it's inspiring. Love what you do and do what you love.
Can't wait to see what's next :)
When I conducted my reader survey a little over a month ago, I was surprised at how unanimously people requested that I get more personal on my blog. I had thought, who wants to know about my real life when I can gush about pretty interiors and fashion all day? But the truth is people can find that anywhere and they read blogs to establish a personal connection with the author. I can't wait to see where this new direction takes you! You'd be crazy not to let this blog become anything and everything you want it to be :) I have a feeling you'll be floored by the response! xoxo
I think this sounds fantastic. Looking forward to what you have to share.
Sent that from the wrong account, ooops!
Can't wait to see what's next for you honey!
If you get a chance, check out my post today, we're doing a novel release party about the release of my first book! I'd love to have you stop by and be a part of the party! Have a fabulous Fashion Friday love! Kori xoxo
I look to blogs for inspiration, so I'd rather read about what a writer is passionate about, however frequent or infrequent that may be. Quality versus quantity always :)
Here's my vote for doing what feels right-follow your heart-we have Rue and seeing the rest of you also would be lovely xo
I just adore any post you do.. no matter how frequent or what the topic, I'm always left feeling inspired.. so thank you :)
xo Nadia
im excited to see the next phase!
I think you'll gain a few followers too!
Life is too short. Do what makes YOU happy :)
I think this is vert intriguing. Looking forward to seeing where this takes you. I plan to stick around for the ride! And p.s. Gorgeous pictures. Perfectly paired with your post. Joanna
If it feels like work...then why do it. You already have a job...speak from your heart and be true to yourself.....my favorite blogs are the ones where I can glimpse into who the person is......
I agree with the comments, speak from your heart, or when you feel like you can. I do it sometimes too and find that is when I get the most personal response. I love all your posts though and following your exciting career. I love the quote you wrote about the wise man, I will keep that with me.
Whatever you decide to do should always be what you love. I always heard people say that but it took a while for me to finally get it. I learned that the hard way but at least I learned it ! And you have too. I'm sure amazing things will come of your revelation. We need to express our unique voice instead of what we think people will want to hear. I have no doubt that you will continue to gain readership without losing your existing following. I'm a new reader of yours and just added you to my favorite links because of this post. I'm looking forward to watching your new voice unfold. Aren't we lucky that we are able to do that? Now without fear. Good for you. Let's all have some fun with this.
Lovely way of expressing life's natural progression.
Follows your bliss, as the greeting cards tend to over-say ;)
Cheers and best, Alcira
Very excited to see what the future has in store! Your writing style is so real and engaging - can't wait! Congratulations:)
Brava! Sharing this secret is a big first step in sharing more and I can't wait to see where this blog goes in the future. I'm inspired by your post and love that you mentioned that you don't let fear dictate your decisions- good for you!
Crystal, what a wonderful post of your inner self and true feelings - You will not lose anyone, but only gain :)
So excited for you and can't wait to read more!
i have been feeling a lot of the same. i want to be doing things that i blog about and sometimes just taking it easier helps a lot. you are so brave for sharing! and im sure your friends will keep coming bk. xoxo
I really relate to how you feel and enjoy reading blogs that are very personal to the writer and full of random inspiration. Chanel said, “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”
And this is why I will always be a dedicated reader and blog fan! I've been going through the same feelings of guilt because you can't be on top of your game with your blog EVERY single day. It's what's REAL and MEANINGFUL that truly makes a beautiful blog, and that is what you give us! ;)))
I too have been going through a "blogging slump," as you so aptly put it. Although I never commented on it, your birthday post was one of the loveliest things I have read lately. It resonated so strongly with my heart and was inspirational. I am so excited to see your blog evolve as you redefine your vision for it.
Darlin' I would read a grocery list if you wrote it so don't worry about losing readers! As Rumi said, "Let the beauty you love be what you do, there are hundreds of ways to kneel down and kiss the ground."
Oh well said and here, here! I've no idea who said 'Be yourself as everyone else is taken' but no truer word was ever uttered. I have only just discovered your divine blog and I can state now that I for one am eager to see the new (real) you - you have a another follower! Warmest Spring Wishes from England - Glenda
This is what blogging is about: write about anything you love, anything that inspires you, it's your own thing and nothing but your heart should dictate what to write about. I look forward to see how it evolves. :) Ada
ah, i dig it. i love when inspiration hits... i always get all revved up about something and then end up staying up all night working on it! also, the photos are beautiful!
<3 kim
floral printed heart
i say do it.
i have been wide open on my blog and it has been nothing short of rewarding in every way for me.
xx best of luck in your new approach
I read RUE from France, and it is a great source of inspiration. I'll read your blog even if the posts are less regular... I should say especially if they are less regular ; just because I don't have enough time to read all my favorite blogs...
A bientôt !
It's been so nice keeping up with your life and successes online, can't wait to read more about it!
Lovely photos :)
Claire M.
Good for you... I loved your birthday post... Honestly, I love writing from the heart... all of it... Keep it up!
I try to do the things I want in live! I start blogging last year in september and I love it..till now I've only have 8 followers....but it doesn't matter I post the things I love to share, (including my handmade stuff) for myself and for those who visit my blog. It's just about expressing your self in a way you love to do...
Good luck with everything !!!
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