Most people cringe at the thought of sea foam, but after seeing this space, I guarantee you'll find room in your heart to love it. Even if just a little...

When paired with crisp whites and punchy blues it feels fresh, current, and cutting edge.

The modern silhouettes and acrylic accents help drive home that feeling of relevancy. I also adore the unexpected moments of pink. Did you see the underside of that lamp shade?Brilliant!

I'm not usually one to betray my beloved neutrals in favor of color, but something's gotten into me and I find myself appreciating (and embracing) spaces like this more and more these days. (If you don't believe me, just wait till you see my home tour in the upcoming Issue of Rue Magazine!)
So long as it's grounded in white and devoid of crazy pattern, I think I could start living with more color!
*interior design by BNOdesign
Such a great color, I love when people design with bright colors that usually look intimidating.
I never thought I would say that I loved Sea Foam! WOW show stopper :)
I certainly love it, maybe if we name it a new color we will love it even more!
Art by Karena
OMG that light shade - IN LOVE - there's LOTS of elements in these rooms i ADORE - but i dunno with the paint - and i LOVE color - but seafoam green, really? ....
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
you are so right - i'll bet this space is especially beautiful when they open up all of those windows and really let the light in. that color is probably magical at certain times of day....
and i have no doubt that your home is going to be divine! ox
Love BNO and his collaboration with And Bob's Your Uncle on the lighting. Brilliant. Thanks for giving us this post.
Only if there is lots of white to save me.
Great color! Sooo pretty! :)
So chic in style! Nice color combination! Cool post, check out also 3D Rendering
Lovvve it. Kind of crazy, but oh so awesome. I painted my bedroom this colour back in high school and I loved living in it. So cheerful and it always made me smile each morning.
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